Art is fundamental to a child’s development and engages them on a level unlike any other subject in a STEM education. It is a vital tool for helping children develop 21st century skills, which rely on a person’s creativity, critical thinking, and ability to adapt to changing circumstances in a rapidly-evolving world.
From teaching basic motor skills at an early age to visual learning and self-expression, art is a world of fascination that leads to interest in other studies and fields. Children who participate in art education are considered more likely to achieve academically, because visual arts not only lead to improved memory performance, but so much of what we learn is linked to imaginatively expressing and explaining it — not only to ourselves, but to others.
This essential element of creativity will serve children in other subjects such as science and math, and allow them to utilize their imaginations in future careers, which will rely on ingenuity like never 6before.
Art gives children the opportunity to practice decision-making early on, which develops into critical thinking skills and the ability to make better choices. It also offers personality benefits, such as socializing, building confidence and getting out of the comfort zone, which give children more flexibility as they develop and grow. When children practice art and realize that their creativity is welcomed by the world, they are more likely to carry it with them into the future — where it can lead to major breakthroughs and global innovation.