Every artist is a necessary part of the well-being of a society


We ask artists around the world: What is your role as an artist in society, in local community, and the world?

Our Artists Abroad initiative welcomes artists to join us on a global adventure, where they’ll have the opportunity to teach art to children in Cambodian and Nepalese communities, volunteer in local schools, deep dive into local culture, create art and experience the culture of faraway places. With Artists Abroad, artists can share their talent and love of art with children and people in developing communities, where inspiration, creativity and hope are always welcome and have an extraordinary impact on people’s lives.


When it comes to learning art and exploring creativity, there’s no better source of encouragement than artists themselves. This initiative allows artists to give a humanitarian purpose to their passion, and involve eager young minds in the practice of unique artistic trends and techniques. It also lets artists create artworks abroad, advocate the cause by the means of artworks and provide humanitarian aid to children in developing areas by selling works in our charity auctions. Together, we can improve lives while enriching the future of children through the power of art.


Our Approach


Artists themselves are the seeds whose roots grow deep in the foundation of a community and revitalize the passion of people around them. Be a part of a humanitarian cause founded on the virtue of creativity. Your talents will be the source of inspiration for children and the future of the community.



At M.Y. Yu Foundation, we make it possible for artists to visit Cambodia or Nepal, where they’ll share their artistic talents with local communities and create artworks, which will be sold at charity auctions, to reflect the ideas generated from the experience.


Children in developing communities seek ways to express their creativity, and they’ll rely on artists to encourage and inspire their imagination and support them on their journey to a better future. Your support and abilities will be the means by which they learn and develop their creative skills.



Experience the culture and history of the breathtaking and richly-historical land of Cambodia or Nepal where art has always played a role in the culture of their people. Get to know another corner of this world to have a deeper understanding of humanity.

myyu foundation artist abroad initiative

Be a part of a humanitarian cause founded on the virtue of creativity.

Our Artists Abroad initiative invites artists to join our journey, be our advocates for the importance of art, and share your talents as the source of inspiration for children.

Qualified applicants for the Artists Abroad program will receive financial assistance to travel to Cambodia or Nepal and choose a specific community or school where they would like to teach for a certain period. They may participate directly in the education of schoolchildren as an art teacher or contribute to the wellbeing of local children and communities by volunteering in the schools. We encourage artists to create artworks during this period, and we will sell these works at charity auctions. Partial proceeds will go towards funding art education, purchasing food, and providing basic necessities.

Apply for a life-changing experience in Cambodia or Nepal as a traveling artist today.

Due to COVID-19, we have temporarily paused ARTIST ABROAD initiative. Please contact us or subscribe to our newsletter to get the latest news.